What Is A US Supreme Court Justice Interview Like?

Elena Kagan is under the microscope and if she proves to be a of US Supreme Court quality she will take the new vacancy recently created by Justice John Paul Stevens retirement.  Kagan, the currently sits at Solicitor General seat, appointed by President Obama.

Elena Kagan - Nominated Supreme Court Justice

All parties are and should be interested in proving whether or not Kagan actually can sit as a Justice, having never served as a judge before.  This doesn’t necessarily mean that she is without merit, it simply means that here merit is applied elsewhere.  The duty of those assessing Kagan’s potential ability as  Justice of the Supreme Court will have the challenging responsibility to assess how Kagan might do at the court.

One of the many ways this will be done is by Kagan filling out and answers questions according to the provided questionaire.

From questions like you expect like education, employment and military service to tougher spots like, published writings, conflicts of interest and financial statements.

See the full list of questions here.

Like anything worth doing, getting through days, weeks and maybe even a month of scrutiny, to end up in the highest of all courts in the most powerful nation on the earth, would be all worth the “dropping your pants” embarrassment.

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