For Some, Imprisonment Beyond The Sentence Is Okay

Declared legal by the highest court in the land, the US Supreme Court gave the opinion, reported by Jesse J. Holland of the Associated Press, that imprisonment or detaining a child sexual predator (one who was confined due to a sexual crime) past their imprisonment term is allowed.

Supreme Court's Opinion

In the case of United States versus Comstock the opinion was delivered.

Treading a line of freedoms entitled to every citizen and protecting the society, these situations would rely wholly on the intent of the inmate past their committed term of reform.  Should not the sentencing be accompanied by the stipulation that an evaluation must occur which could either render the inmate a danger to society or not?

How does this affect any other violation to the innocent – rape, theft, violent acts, etc?

As a father, and for the particular topic of sexual crimes against children, I am all for the life sentencing if needed.  I wonder about the trickle affect of decisions like this and how they impact other areas of the law.


Mahan, Halerie; United States v. Comstock: Justifying The Civil Commitment Of Sexually Dangerous Offenders

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