A Stammering King’s Speech – Reviewed

Colin Firth is a talent and does a brilliant portrayal of King George VI in A King’s Speech, the true events and story how King George went from Duke of York to King of England.  As a most unlikely leader, Firth’s character displays a great inability to stand before a crowd or even a stranger for that matter, and deliver a message.

The premise of the movie is to portray the development of a grown man, who lives in a time where solutions for his particular situation are few and unrealiable.  A dedicated and loving wife Elizabeth, played by Helena Bonham Carter, in hoping to find a solution for her embarrassed and confidence-lacking husband, filters through possibilities  until she finds Lionel Logue, played by Geoffrey Rush.

Lionel considers himself a therapist and after building trust with the Duke, endears the opportunity to improve him.  Initially the effort is mechanical, hoping to give George the tools for being able to do what he needs to do as a speaker, however Lionel knows there is more of a cause to the royal stammer that plagues George.

Timing is crucial as the Duke of York is sling-shot past his older brother (a whole other story which is worthy of definition) to the throne not long after their father dies.  As King, the people must find pride and confidence in him, and this is what he fears, since George knows his weakness.  Lionel, draws enough out to place George where he can do his best.

George does not become a great orator.  Nor does he lose his stammer, however he finds, with his friend Lionel, the ability to control his weakness.

Overall, a great story and piece of history.  Even royalty has is imperfections and triumphs, as real and meaningful as the commoner.  As with many dramatic true stories put to movie, there is a calm delivery that may appear slow or dramatic, however feeling what George is going through is what will draw you in and make you as uncomfortable at times, as he is.

4/5 Stars



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