Posts tagged ‘business’

April 21, 2010

If You Don’t Know Geometric Growth You Are Lost!

It is true, geometric (exponential) growth is our hope, our wish for how many things happen, from growing a garden to investing well.  The problem with geometric growth is that most people hope for it and use it but have no idea what it is.


Geometric growth is a formula or process or calculation for actual growth and duplication.  Natures uses this incredibly well and in most cases perfectly.  Take human beings to start out with.  As the sperm and egg instigate the cell development, how does that very first cell grow?  One cell splits into two.  Two cells don’t split into three, but actually four.  Four cells don’t split into five, but eight!

Geometric Growth


Geometric growth built buy duplicating the existing.  Whatever the existing thing that needs to grow may be, we seek to design by duplicating or growing what we have by 100%.  Duplication is defined by taking what you have and developing it in a way that makes a mirror image of exists prior to duplication.   That is not the key function because, although this is the basic function, the primary function what takes place in maximizes the series of duplications.


Growth through the geometric process builds to a key balance.  Growth has a key balance.  Human beings to grow endlessly.  Cells do not continue to duplicate endlessly (although some people seem to try and test the boundaries of this).    Duplication takes place to the point of maximum efficiency.  That maximum efficiency is not an end, but then maintains that efficiency through a maintaining and not growing effort.  Like the mother who is pregnant with child requires more to maintain energy and production levels than what they needed prior to becoming pregnant, growth requires more effort.


Geometric growth is mistakenly considered and thought to be utilized at times, without the key ingredient.  Many people are willing to understand that when they plant seeds for the garden, that seed can flourish into much more than what was started out with.   Many are not, however, willing to wait for the reward.  Many others are not willing to work to achieve the results.  Without work and patience, geometric growth is excruciatingly boring and time consuming.


Work and patience with geometric growth will produce and produce significantly, however it takes 95% of our time and effort before we begin to realize the reward.  Just like the seed sits in the ground, being watered and weeded, basking in the sun, 95% of the production takes place before the fruits of that seed can be obtained.


SputSoft: Nice Proof of Geometric Progression Sum

April 12, 2010

Remember Me?

There is a trend that is apparent and abounding and it is the demand for YOUR (yes, you) attention.  I find the process intriguing and intrusive, yet logical and expected.

I know that I am a revenue source for many many people/companies.  I spend most of my day working on getting revenue from others so that I can take home a part of that revenue and then decide where I am going to spend that revenue on others (obviously, not just to spend it, but in an exchange – no, not that kind of exchange – whatever).

Junk mail was the start of this clear demand from my attention.  Not for me necessarily, like somebody want to date me in high school, but for my money.  The demand isn’t to date my money either, because once it is committed, it does not return.  It is married, never to produce children for me.

So, with demand expanding, to surveys, emails, pop-ups, luncheons, webinars, conference calls, call blasts, and more, I am wondering what other ways will be thought of to get me to look, remember and then act positively to the push or pull toward a product?

To be in business, you must learn, especially if you are in the beginning stages to get in front of people so they remember you.  This obviously has a premise that they know you in order to remember you.  So, assuming that they know you already, there is tremendous value in helping people remember what you do.

For instance, if you are a jewelry salesperson.  You have a clientele who have purchased from you and you have those

Be A Cat

people whom you have introduced your products to.  If you leave your interaction with that person to just what you “did” with them, you have failed at retaining them.  Customers are not likely to seek you out and find you because they are met with so many other offers that come to them.  You need to repeatedly return to them.

Don’t be the slobbering dog, jumping up on them so they will buy from you.  Be the pristine cat, reminding them you are here and worth paying attention too.

Good luck.

April 6, 2010

Change Is Guerilla Warfare

Daylights savings, a new place for dinner tonight, a new start time, new restrictions, a new marketing plan, a new brand a of soap, a new medication.

We are always dealing with some sort of new change, a new circumstance or decision. Change is not new – we usually dread change because we are uncomfortable with the new “whatever” and we know that we often become paralyzed at having to deal with the new.

There are books about getting your set right in the head, in order to actual deal with the change, however we need to address today the actual actions of dealing with change.

For those changes that have minimal impact on ourselves and our circumstance, relatively little attention is require. This is frankly because, there is little impact from a poor or unexpected decision or result. Having to change to a new brand of soap, will not necessarily kill you (although I recognize that there are serious allergies that must be accounted for), however spending a million dollar budget on a marketing initiative or venture capital opportunity, can have a major and catastrophically impact on you personally.

How we carry out a change as much to do with guerilla warfare. Learning from the many thousands of writing from

The Art Of Single Shot Tactics

Single Shot Versus Automatic

participating soldiers who have lived and breathed the intensity of the hidden battle, the unknown circumstances and absolute results, we can learn a bit about change and how to approach change.

In the bush of Vietnam or the Congo or any part of South America, the ability to see is extremely challenging. Knowing where you are can be difficult and knowing where the enemy is, can be even more.

Your position, unknown or known, is excruciatingly crucial when managing the situation. You need to determine, through very few decisions and very short distances, where you are in order to determine where you need to go in order to accomplish your mission. After all, in the thick vegetation of bamboo shoots and banana leaves can come close to blocking out the sun and making your days into evenings. Your position has to only be known by you and should be kept to your team at extreme measure. Giving up your position to a nearby enemy, with all of the unknowns puts you in a very precarious position.

The tactics of how you carry out the engaging of you enemy must be kept secret, even amidst a gun fight. Unlike other battlefields, there is a simple procedure in gun fighting that allows you to remain in stealth mode, to a large degree.


A gun set to automatic will unload ammunition until it is exhausted. The wasting of bullets is certainly not the concern, in fact, isn’t really a consideration. The efficiency is usually not something modern warfare is concerned with (to a degree of course, but running out of bullets is not an initial pressure).

Single shooting is what we need. A single accurate shot, when unaware, can be performed without disclosing your position. Often the enemy will never see the shot and will have to rely on limited sensory in order to hope to find a clue.

The single shot approach allows the soldier to repeatedly change position and adjust while keeping his target relatively still and stable.

When approaching a consequential change, taking single shots and measuring the impact enables a very clear rode map. The execution and measurement allow adjustments for the second shot. This intern, with measurements allow for a third shot and so on.

The single shot and then measurement will always allow you the opportunity to make known adjustments. When multiple shots are fired simultaneously, this opportunity to measure accurately is dissolved to a large degree. Your measurement is unclear in determining which “bullet” caused which affect in your measurement.

Some times time itself is a fact and may require you to abbreviate you measurement but should never allow you to disregard the single shot policy. Even if you single shot is your business plan, there are and you should expect changes that need to be made. Zoning in on the shot that fired the result can allow you to find the adjustments you need to make. Also the shots themselves can help you assess whether a previous effort was actually a result of a previous shot or not.

Be tactical. Automatic firing will never deliver automatic results. There simply aren’t options that delivery autonomous success.

April 2, 2010

Dealing With Disciplining Employees

The dreaded talk is avoided continuously, for as long as possible for most mangers or supervisors. The delay is

Disciplinary Discussions

How To Manage The Rough Talk With An Employee

understandable, mostly because the setting is awkward. Here is this person that you try to get along with, maybe you do get along with them, and now you are in a situation where you have get the to be different.

Will they be defensive? How will I respond?

Will they be angry? How will I respond?

Will they disassociate? How can I manage that?

Will their performance decrease as a result and will this lead to repeated corrective action updates?

The emotions of dealing with discipline almost self-impose a feeling like the person delivering the message is a bad person and the receive is a victim. This backwards feeling is compounded by delay.

Before addressing how to manage the situation, the first rule in dealing with a sensitive situation like disciplining an employee is to not delay. Waiting for days to pass while you struggle with the “how” of doing this work builds that problem and allows the silence to fester into a bigger problem.

Think of the delay like reading a newspaper. If you read an article in the paper that is a day old, the information may be very relevant to you and your situation. However, if you were to pick up a paper from a month ago, or longer, although the information may still have some meaning, the potency of the message is lost in time.

Dealing with a situation where actions need to change, the freshest information is the best information and evidence for change. Poor attendance or bad preparation from a month ago, does not have nearly the emotional impact in delivery as does evidence from yesterday or two days ago.

Now, the emotional delivery. The emotion of any message has its place, especially if you are searching for a best practices environment, where a level of autonomy is encouraged in order to develop a highest level of personal performance. Delivering any bad news is best left to a black and white delivery.

“John, your attendance is becoming a challenge for me to ensure that all your responsibilities are done and done well. Yesterday was the 3rd time you showed up 30 minutes late for work. I have these time cards/punches. Are they correct?”

Allowing the employee to see the objective results of his or her actions is the bad news and essentially they tell themselves because when you use an objective tool, your opinion and role is to identify the results. The employee typically responds by acknowledging that the information is accurate.

This doesn’t mean that the employee won’t try to rationalize their situation. It is human nature to do so. We all do this whenever we have done something that may not be inline with expectations. We feel better this way.

For this situation, your goal is not to inform them of the problem. You have to do this in order to get to your goal of having them correct the behavior that leads to the problem. In another article we will discuss how to help them self discover, which is always the very best way to achieve immediate change.

Mapping out the process is to prepare the evidence of the poor performance, gather this from reports and

Prepare The Processing With Mapping Your Conversation

non-objective tools. Gather information from others as needed, as many angles as you can, ensuring that your remove “opinion” from what is actually the problem. From here, plan out the process of identifying we have an issue and presenting the reports.

Allow the person at this point to respond. For every situation, no matter how black and white the case may be, if you remove the opportunity for the employee to respond and rationalize, you may miss a legitimate response that allows you to see the issue in a different light.

Most agent responses do not change the outcome of the meeting, which is to change a behavior. It may mean that the outcome isn’t as severe as it seemed to be and that coaching the employee on a way to improve the outcome which has caused the issue, is where you want to take the discussion.

Nevertheless, achieving the end result of the meeting should always be in mind. You want the employee to change/improve their actions through understanding the problem.

Taking a systematic approach allow yous to feel less emotional and allow your to enter the meeting with the goal of partnering with the employee on how you can assist them in the change. Ultimately, your support allows a common ground to be achieved. This is the emotional part of the meeting, where you support, you sincerely want to help the employee improve.

Stand Shoulder To Shoulder

This partnership becomes your common ground and allows you to meet more frequently on the topic or correction and allows you both to view it shoulder to shoulder rather than face to face.

April 2, 2010

Taxes, Taxes, Taxes

I have found that the only real benefit of doing taxes is when it is when is completed. What a pain it is to gather when you are unorganized and genuinely incapable of changing this to a type A personality.

Despite losing profitability in a business and have lost pay at a job, I am still not getting a return. Boy there is something to be said for living at a time in the US when taxes are historically low and I still can’t manage to get a return.

Such is life, but managing taxes to an actual return with be the 2010 goal