Posts tagged ‘exponential growth’

April 21, 2010

If You Don’t Know Geometric Growth You Are Lost!

It is true, geometric (exponential) growth is our hope, our wish for how many things happen, from growing a garden to investing well.  The problem with geometric growth is that most people hope for it and use it but have no idea what it is.


Geometric growth is a formula or process or calculation for actual growth and duplication.  Natures uses this incredibly well and in most cases perfectly.  Take human beings to start out with.  As the sperm and egg instigate the cell development, how does that very first cell grow?  One cell splits into two.  Two cells don’t split into three, but actually four.  Four cells don’t split into five, but eight!

Geometric Growth


Geometric growth built buy duplicating the existing.  Whatever the existing thing that needs to grow may be, we seek to design by duplicating or growing what we have by 100%.  Duplication is defined by taking what you have and developing it in a way that makes a mirror image of exists prior to duplication.   That is not the key function because, although this is the basic function, the primary function what takes place in maximizes the series of duplications.


Growth through the geometric process builds to a key balance.  Growth has a key balance.  Human beings to grow endlessly.  Cells do not continue to duplicate endlessly (although some people seem to try and test the boundaries of this).    Duplication takes place to the point of maximum efficiency.  That maximum efficiency is not an end, but then maintains that efficiency through a maintaining and not growing effort.  Like the mother who is pregnant with child requires more to maintain energy and production levels than what they needed prior to becoming pregnant, growth requires more effort.


Geometric growth is mistakenly considered and thought to be utilized at times, without the key ingredient.  Many people are willing to understand that when they plant seeds for the garden, that seed can flourish into much more than what was started out with.   Many are not, however, willing to wait for the reward.  Many others are not willing to work to achieve the results.  Without work and patience, geometric growth is excruciatingly boring and time consuming.


Work and patience with geometric growth will produce and produce significantly, however it takes 95% of our time and effort before we begin to realize the reward.  Just like the seed sits in the ground, being watered and weeded, basking in the sun, 95% of the production takes place before the fruits of that seed can be obtained.


SputSoft: Nice Proof of Geometric Progression Sum