Posts tagged ‘marketing’

April 12, 2010

Remember Me?

There is a trend that is apparent and abounding and it is the demand for YOUR (yes, you) attention.  I find the process intriguing and intrusive, yet logical and expected.

I know that I am a revenue source for many many people/companies.  I spend most of my day working on getting revenue from others so that I can take home a part of that revenue and then decide where I am going to spend that revenue on others (obviously, not just to spend it, but in an exchange – no, not that kind of exchange – whatever).

Junk mail was the start of this clear demand from my attention.  Not for me necessarily, like somebody want to date me in high school, but for my money.  The demand isn’t to date my money either, because once it is committed, it does not return.  It is married, never to produce children for me.

So, with demand expanding, to surveys, emails, pop-ups, luncheons, webinars, conference calls, call blasts, and more, I am wondering what other ways will be thought of to get me to look, remember and then act positively to the push or pull toward a product?

To be in business, you must learn, especially if you are in the beginning stages to get in front of people so they remember you.  This obviously has a premise that they know you in order to remember you.  So, assuming that they know you already, there is tremendous value in helping people remember what you do.

For instance, if you are a jewelry salesperson.  You have a clientele who have purchased from you and you have those

Be A Cat

people whom you have introduced your products to.  If you leave your interaction with that person to just what you “did” with them, you have failed at retaining them.  Customers are not likely to seek you out and find you because they are met with so many other offers that come to them.  You need to repeatedly return to them.

Don’t be the slobbering dog, jumping up on them so they will buy from you.  Be the pristine cat, reminding them you are here and worth paying attention too.

Good luck.