Posts tagged ‘sarbanes-oxley act of 2002’

April 28, 2010

Securities Fraud Time Table

With the Supreme Courts ruling that the statue of limitation begins once the plaintiff in is made or becomes aware of the committed fraud or obtains and understanding of the evidence of fraud.

The two year clock begins clicking has a new starting point, at least defined by the ruling that was decided upon

Justice Stephen Breyer - Supreme Court

unanimously by the court and indicated in the Justice Stephen Breyer’s written opinion, on behalf of the court. See Supreme Court decision.

This angle or interpretation of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 is specific to the securities division and the acts of fraud involving securities.

A good ruling in my opinion.  Fair to avoid a cover-up or delay in revealing evidences and truths that show deception.  In the past a company or person could have limited or delay access, using up much of the two year statute of limitation in order to avoid penalty.  The Supreme courts opinion on this type of fraud and cheating will ensure that all actual cases could have a fair opportunity for being heard.

Good Move!

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