Posts tagged ‘sports’

May 17, 2010

Kiffin Reporting More Money But Less Value In SoCal

What is the draw to USC that you would take a lower value job than what you were already welcomed to and got the first notch in your belt at with the Volunteers?  To walk away from the over $2 million to get a $4 million job would appear to be the wise move, despite walking into a NCAA violations mess.

Lane Kiffin At USC

Cost of living taken into account an all of a sudden, Kiffen’s move doesn’t seem so thought out. Needing over four and a half mill to get the value of his two plus mill in Knoxville.

Couple this with the lack of promise for guaranteed Pac-10 championships and strong, annual contenders for national championship, as well as the looming promise of NCAA investigations and potential violations.  What was the draw?  Really?

Knoxville, with is loyal fans and rich heritage, SEC competition and notoriety.  Was it really worth the move?

My only conclusion is that Kiffin wanted another shot as wooing Al Davis and wanted to step into the pros through the side door this time.  Okay, maybe he just loves the west coast and it was the USC job or the booming used car industry sales job.  Whatever.

Good luck to Kiffin.  Good luck to the Trojans.  The only smart move was Carroll taking off before the walls fell around him.


ESPN LA: Kiffin Makes More Money Than You Do

May 7, 2010

Check Your Salary Against Pro Sports

Salary Crunchers - Compare Your Income to the Pros just posted the Salary Crunch. You can enter your annual earnings and see how long it takes players like JaMarcus Russell and Manu Ginobili to make your money.

Pretty cool, but depressing.

Salary Crunch