Posts tagged ‘weekend activities’

April 27, 2010

Why We Cannot Trust Ourselves

Having attended a convention this past week I reinforced an observation that I have made several times over the years.

Bill Cosby said it best in his stage presentation “Himself”, when he observed that we work so hard all week only to kill ourselves on the weekend, culminating in the weekend warrior returning to work on Monday saying, “I am no good on my own”.

I am no good on my own

Watching a group of coworkers in Las Vegas putting in 8 to 10 hours on their feet at a convention, only to split to the bars and clubs at the first opportunity.  Ending up wasted, waking up in their own vomit and to barely function the next day.

It is entertaining for those tagging along and not getting as destroyed, yet they carry the job of getting their tipsy cohorts back to their beds.  The designated walkers can regurgitate the comedies of the previous night but the others can only enjoy it from a distance because they can barely recall their existence from the night before.

It isn’t a jealousy, but a sympathy.  Having a good time is in almost everybody’s nature, but I think the goal is to be consciously present in the experience.  Wouldn’t it be better to recall the great times on your own and be a contributor from your unique perspective, to the fun and memory of what happened.

Maybe it is a sick need for a superficial good time or a underlying need for self inflicted punishment.  Most who trash themselves wish they didn’t, but in a habitual nature, repeat the torture over and over again.  I guess our habitual nature is a whole new discussion.

I guess it is like what Bill said.  We aren’t good on our own and why, because we can’t trust ourselves.

Wah, wah.  Stop the excuses and grow up.  Life is so good. Yes things can be tough for periods of time, but life has continual opportunities to experience great things.  Sunsets, sunrises, babies, tears of sadness, tears of joy, smiles, jokes, friendship, family, faith, justice, mercy, gifts, sharing, service, pictures, movies, music, bloopers, mistakes, hats, shoes, shirts, pants, beds, cars, bikes, roofs, heaters, air conditioners, hair, baldness, eyes, ears, love, kindness, peace and on and on and on.

Be grateful.  Maybe that could be a solution.